Monday, November 01, 2004

Day Before the Presidential Election

I'm worried. I can't imagine anyone voting for Kerry. I just don't get it and it makes my head want to explode.

I blogged this earlier this year - Thank you for being a great American.

With the Democratic Primaries under way, maybe it is time I started talking politics.

I will sometime will end my e-mail with - Thank you for being a great American, Marc

Well I sent that to a friend a couple of months back and she replied with -Why am I a great american? I didn't even vote yesterday, hate George W. Bush, and generally think the place is pretty messed up.

I replied with -You have a point there. Isn't America great for having freedom of speech, thought, expression and religion that allows socialists like yourself to live here? :-D

Not voting is inexcusable especially if you complain about the state of the city, state, or nation. :-D

Yeah, I hate GWB too for having moral character and bringing back respect to the office of the President, for bringing freedom to a 3rd world country that lived in fear of an evil dictator, for not backing down to terrorists, for giving us a tax cut and two relief checks that helped my family, for proposing the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 and having it passed overwhelmingly, for continuing to reform welfare, etc., etc. :-D

The place is pretty messed up after 60+ years of immoral behavior and socialist plans and programs that aren't in the Constitution. Maybe with a Republican president and a majority Republican congress we can whip this country back into shape the way that Thomas Jefferson envisioned it.

I still like you even with your leftist, liberal views. :-D

Marc Bridie for President 2012!

1 comment:

SeshPerAnkh said...

I would have thought you would have plenty to say about my political post on my site. You are awefully quiet.